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How to Create a Discount Code

Offer discounts on products in your Store!

Kristi Kvenild avatar
Written by Kristi Kvenild
Updated over a week ago

You can create discount codes to give your clients a percentage or set monetary value off prints, digital products, or shipping! Discount codes are a great way to say thank you to clients and provide an incentive for clients to purchase products from their Gallery Store. πŸ’Έ

How to Create Discount Codes

1. Add a Payment Method

If you've already upgraded, you will already have a card on file so you can skip to step 2.

If you haven't already, you'll need to add a card on file before creating a discount code. Discount codes can potentially the total your client pays at checkout less than the cost of goods owed to the lab. In the event that the client's payment does not fully cover the cost of goods owed, we will charge your card for the remaining balance.

To add a card to your account, navigate to your Account Settings and Billing. Click Add Credit Card to enter your payment details.

2. Click Create a Discount Code

In your Store, navigate to the Discount Codes section. Click Create a Discount Code to open the discount code settings.

3. Customize the Discount Code Settings

From here, you will customize your discount code settings. You can customize the name, code, and to what products the discount can be applied. The following sections make up a discount code:

  • Name: The name of your discount code is for your identification only. This is not visible to clients.

  • Code: This is what your client will enter at checkout to apply the discount. You can generate a random code, or customize your own.

  • Apply Discount To: This determines what your client can use the discount on. You can create a subtotal, shipping, or digital product discount code.

  • Code Expiration: You can set a date after which the discount code will no longer be active. After this date, clients will not be able to apply the discount at checkout.

  • Minimum Order: This allows you to require clients to have a minimum amount of products added to their cart before being able to apply the checkout. Setting a minimum order amount is especially helpful if you are offering a larger discount but want to make sure your costs are still covered.

  • Maximum # of Uses: This setting controls how many times the discount can be applied. It's important to note that this is applied per Gallery, meaning if you set the maximum # of uses to 1, clients will only be able to use this discount once in their Gallery, but you can still share this code with different clients.

For example, here is a discount code for 10% off print products when clients spend $30 or more. This discount can only be used one time in each Gallery, and cannot be applied to any digital products.

4. Save and Share the Discount Code

When you've finished customizing your discount code, click Save. This will save it to the Discount Codes section of your Store.

Now you can include this discount code when emailing your client Galleries. To save time, we recommend saving an email template that includes a section for sharing discounts.

We've crafted a template that you can copy and save in your email templates. πŸ™Œ Feel free to make any changes as needed.

Discount Code Email Template

Hey [Client's Name]!

I have exciting news! Your photos are now ready for you to view and download! πŸŽ‰ It was an absolute pleasure capturing these special moments for you.

To show my appreciation, I'd like to offer you a [AMOUNT] discount on any print order made from your gallery. Just use the code "[CODE]" during checkout to apply the discount to your order. It's my little way of saying thank you!

If you have any questions, need assistance, or want to discuss any specific requests, feel free to reach out!


[Your Name]

[Business Name]

If you have any questions or need additional help, feel free to contact us in the chat bubble in the lower right-hand corner of your dashboard. We're always happy to help!

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